The Macquarie University Excellence Scholarship usually funded by the Government of Australia is still open for qualified candidates.
Applicants interested in studying in the beautiful city of Australia and the well-facilitated Macquarie University are advised to submit their applications before the deadline.
Widely known for her expertise in areas like business, health and medical sciences, Macquarie University offer a wide range of exceptional undergraduate, postgraduate and higher degree research degrees that are informed by our world leading research discoveries.
The number of international candidate places funded through the RTP varies from year to year. Applicants applying for an iRTP will be automatically considered for the University funded International Macquarie Research Excellence Scholarship Program (iMQRES) in the same round.
Scholarship Abstract
- Scholarship Host: Macquarie University
- Destination: Australia
- Category:
- Category: Scholarships | Study Abroad | Postgraduate Scholarships | Masters Scholarships | PhD Scholarships
- Benefits: Full Scholarship
- Tuition Fees
- $34,500 Living Stipends
- Transportation Expenses
- Eligibility: All Countries
- Deadline: July 31, 2023
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Scholarship Details
The iRTP is the Australian Commonwealth Government scholarship scheme for supporting international higher degree research candidates. This scheme is administered by individual universities on behalf of the Department of Education. Applications for iRTP Scholarships are made directly to participating universities.
The iMQRES scheme is a scholarship program that aims to support exceptional international research students enrolled in research priority areas aligned with the University’s Strategic Research Framework 2015 to 2025 (World-Leading Research with World-Changing Impact), as well as that of the broader University.
Macquarie University Excellence Scholarship Requirements
The Macquarie University Excellence Scholarship will only be awarded to applicants who, at the time of application:
- are a citizen of a country other than Australia or New Zealand, and not an Australian permanent resident
- intend to reside in Sydney, Australia during their candidature
- plan to undertake a Master of Research Year 2 or Doctor of Philosophy in S1 2024 full-time
- meet the admission criteria for commencement into the Master of Research – Year 2 (MRes Y2) or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
- meet the English language requirement for Macquarie research degrees, by the closing date
- satisfy all the criteria for admission to Macquarie University
- have a valid visa allowing you to commence your study in Session 1 2024
- have confirmation of supervision from an eligible Macquarie University researcher (compulsory for FMHHS and desirable for the other faculties).
Awards will not be available to those who:
- are currently enrolled in a progressing MRes Year 1 to MRes Year 2 or MRes Year 2 to PhD cohort
- commenced enrolment in a Macquarie University higher degree research program prior to 1 July 2023
- are receiving another equivalent or major award, full scholarship (eg tuition and stipend) or salary to undertake the proposed program
- have already completed a research degree at the same or higher level than the proposed candidature in the same program of study
- provide false or misleading information to the University. Where there is reason to believe this condition has not been upheld, the University reserves the right to reassess the student’s entitlement to the award
- submit incomplete applications.
Applications will be withdrawn if they are incomplete. Applications cannot be held over to a future scholarship round, so if you miss the deadline you will need to re-apply for the next round.
Explore more scholarship opportunities below.
Scholarship-holders may:
- be in receipt of minor awards (eg a tuition only or stipend only scholarship), allowances or other earnings which are supplementary to an iRTP or iMQRES, or derived from part-time work undertaken within the guidelines set by the relevant scholarship conditions
- receive stipend top-up funding from industry or other sources to a maximum equivalent of 75 per cent of the Research Training Program (RTP) stipend rate at Macquarie University
- be in receipt of additional funds for field work, equipment and other such expenses not covered by the award.
If you are seeking to establish eligibility for a scholarship you are encouraged to provide full documentation of your achievements to assist in the assessment of your qualifications.
Other relevant research qualifications which may be considered include:
- completion of a research masters degree or equivalent eg a coursework masters with a substantial research component. You will be asked to provide information on your thesis eg the abstract, examiner reports, thesis copy, length, grade, examination process and the percentage of research component in the course
- published research, preferably in refereed publications eg journals, books, book chapters etc
- conference presentations, preferably refereed
- highly relevant and substantial work-related research experience.
Scholarship Benefits and Timeline
Successful PhD iRTP candidates will receive:
- a tuition fee offset for a maximum of three years
- a living allowance stipend for up to three years (current rate is $34,500 per annum)
- a travel concession, applied to their local transport OPAL card.
Successful PhD iMQRES candidatees will receive:
- a tuition fee offset for a maximum of three years
- a living allowance stipend for up to three years (current rate is $34,500 per annum).
Candidates who do not meet the admission criteria for the PhD program may be:
- counter-offered entry to the MRes Year 2 with provisional three-year PhD
- offered a scholarship to cover the MRes Year 2 portion of the program, if ranked competitively.
Selection process
Macquarie University has its own application and selection process, as outlined in the Research Training Program Scholarship (RTP) Policy and the Macquarie University HDR Scholarship Rating Criteria.
Macquarie University:
- ranks applicants on the basis of academic merit, relevant research output and experience and/or potential and the University’s Strategic Research Framework
- assesses overseas qualifications using Australian Government guidelines to determine their comparability to qualifications on the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
Selection processes for candidates to be awarded the International Research Training Program Scholarship (iRTP) and International Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarship (iMQRES) will also include considerations of the Research Environment. This may include:
- an evaluation of the alignment of the candidate’s project with Macquarie University’s research strategy and research priorities
- the quality of the supervisory team
- the international standing of the research area.
Application Procedure
- We encourage applicants to submit their application as early as possible prior to the deadline.
- All applicants should select ‘International Research Scholarship’ as the scholarship type in their application.
- Applicants who are already enrolled (commenced the MQ HDR program in S2 2023 only) or have received a valid Macquarie University letter of offer for a higher degree research program within the last six months, must submit an online HDR application for Scholarship Only. See more information about how to submit a Scholarship Only application.
- Outcomes will be available from early October 2023.